
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Summer Survival in Prescott: Cleaing Checklist - Prescott Maid to Order

Looking for helpful cleaning tips? Prescott Maid to Order has some tidy ideas.
We’re living the dream. It’s still summer and we have several weeks ahead when we can keep the windows open and enjoy our clean mountain air. The daylight lasts a little longer and that gives us a little extra time for play. We often bring the outdoors into our homes and sometimes that can be a little messy. Prescott Maid to order has a few hints on how to tidy up as we go and stay on schedule with the cleaning duties.

Floor Cleaning

You, the kids and the pets run back and forth from the garden or the pool. Implement a no shoes in the house policy. This will keep the extra foot traffic in the summer from dragging in granite, pine needles, leaves and the grime that shoes pick up in the parking lots. Buy a quality door mat and vacuum high traffic areas twice a week. Spot clean your kitchen and other hard surface floors frequently.

Food Spills

Extra people in the house during the day mean more meals, drinks and snacks in the house. This gives the potential for more drips from hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream and popsicles. Allow the kids to enjoy afternoon snacks or enjoy lunch outdoors and make the picnic table popular once again. If the monsoon is keeping you indoors, it’s a good idea to keep clean microfiber cloths at hand for emergency spills. Clean the spills ASAP to avoid a gooey mess later on, or worse a trail of ants.

Kitchen Patrol

Summer heat can bring out an unpleasant aroma in your kitchen trash cans, so empty them at least once a day, if not more. Rotting apple cores and peach pits, rappers from fresh meat, especially poultry cause a foul smell. Wash your trash can on a weekly basis.  Quickly scrub your sink after doing the dishes. Soap residue and food particles will add bad odors quickly, so rinse thoroughly, too.  Save lemon rinds from homemade lemonade and run them through your garbage disposal so your kitchen smells bright and fresh. Orange and grapefruit peels also work great for this.

Laundry Duty

Save this chore for the evening when there’s less competition from the outdoor heat. Be sure to keep up on it. Those additional damp towels and swimsuits can become stale instantly. Stay well stocked on laundry cleaning products. This is an easy enough task for older children to handle. Make sure to add the responsibility of washing, drying and folding clothes to their list.

Bathroom Care

The monsoons bring extra heat and humidity. You may have to give your bathroom some extra attention. When it comes to summer cleaning, toilets and sinks should be tended to at least twice a week. Try running exhaust fans while showering and leaving the bathroom door open after to help the extra steam escape. Leave the bathroom door and a window open, if at all possible. This can help slow down the spread of mildew. Wipe down the shower doors and walls after use, cutting down on the amount of the humidity.

Summer is a time to relax, so if you think any of this is more than you can tackle, you can always rely on a cleaning service to help with the extra duties. Get in touch with Prescott Maid to Order today for a free consultation at 928-899-8518 or visit to find out the dozens of services they offer.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Prescott Maid to Order - Cleaning Projects that Protect Your Home's Long Term Value

Prescott Maid to Order is here to help you with your cleaning list.
How refreshing to come home to a house that’s like new. It’s easier to maintain a clean home than most of us think. Sure, we’re all busy these days and cleaning is something that is easy to put off. Prescott Maid to Order can help you keep up with the tasks necessary to keep your home fresh and new looking. Here is a check list that you may find helpful. Prescott Maid to Order can help you keep a preventive maintenance schedule.

Keep up with general cleaning: Give your entire house a light cleaning every couple of weeks. This goes a long way toward preventing build-up. When you let dust and grime accumulate, it can impact the sparkle of your floors and fixtures.

Replace air filters: Keep a schedule of when to replace air filters in your heating and cooling system. Dirty filters will reduce the air quality in your home, and cause your central system to run less efficiently. Clean air filters will also extend the life of your heating and cooling unit.

Clean the Dishwasher: Dishwasher cleaner can be found in the same aisle at the grocery store as other dish and household cleaners. The instructions are easy to follow. Cleaning the dishwasher according to manufacturers instructions will help, remove food odors, hard water deposits, and remove soap build up on moving parts. Regular washing will prolong the life of your dishwasher. Remember to remove the filter system from the floor of the dishwasher and clean it, too.

Keep the drains clear: Avoid dumping coffee grounds or grease down your sink. Add a drain cover to catch hair in the shower. A heavy duty drain cleaner can be found at the hardware store; use this for tough clogs and keep your drains flowing. Use baking soda for minor clogs.

Have your carpets cleaned: High traffic areas should be cleaned at least twice a year. This will help your carpets last longer. Remove spills quickly and thoroughly. Take off your shoes at the door. This will reduce the amount of dirt that will get tracked in.

Check for leaks: A latent water leak can cause ceiling stains, or worse, damage. Find and repair the leak before adding a fresh coat of paint to your ceiling. Repairing leaks from faucets will reduce or eliminate hard water deposits.

Remember when you purchased your home and the fixtures sparkled, the paint looked fresh, and the floors looked brand new? Follow the checklist to help you maintain your home’s like-new look. When the tasks become overwhelming, give Prescott Maid to Order a call at 928-899-8518 or visit our website We’re not just a cleaning service, we’re Prescott Maid to Order.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Clean and Healthy Carpets Mean a Healthier You - Prescott Maid to Order Shares a few Dirty Secrets

Prescott Maid to Order will vacuum, clean and refresh your carpeting.Many people think that the only time to vacuum is once a week or maybe when debris appears scattered across the carpet’s surface. Vacuuming your carpet more often is the most significant way to extend the beauty and condition of your carpet. Prescott Maid to Order is your carpet care expert.

Carpet will trap dirt easily. If left neglected, fine sands and grit will work their way down into the pile. This causes extra abrasion and wear and a flat appearance of carpet in heavy traffic areas. More importantly, long term neglect of you carpet allows the build up of dust, allergens, dust mites and even fungi. Prescott Maid to Order is always available to relieve you the burden of vacuuming this often.
1. Prevent soil and dirt from damaging carpet fibers. Vacuum frequently to prevent dirt build-up from grinding the carpet and wearing it out.

2. Avoid health problems. Some family members may suffer asthma and allergies if you have a dirty carpet floor. Keep your carpets clean and fresh.

3. Prevent accumulation of dirt and dust mites. Clean and fresh carpets will help in maintaining indoor air clean.

4. Keep all of your family members healthy. If you have furry four-legged family members, vacuuming is all the more crucial to prevent pest manifestation in the carpet.

5. Prolong your carpet’s life. A dirty carpet equals a shorter life span. Well-cared for carpets do not need replacing so this will save you money.

Here are a few more tips on carpet care: Prevent dirt from entering the home by adding door mats that will keep dirt from getting dragged into the home. Keep porches and outdoor walkways swept. Remove your shoes before entering the home. Take more time to vacuum. A vacuum runs more efficiently when pulled towards you. Furthermore, periodically deep clean carpets with a carpet cleaner.

Whew! Did keeping up the carpets become too much of a chore? Prescott Maid to Order can take care of that for you. Call for a free consultation at 928-899-8518 or visit our website at

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Friday, July 7, 2017

What is dust and how can you combat it? Prescott Maid To Order tells you about dust and its affects

Prescott Maid To Order offers Residential house cleaning and Dusting in PrescottWe all know we should be dusting our homes more often, but do you know what dust actually is? Prescott Maid To Order explains dust and why you should remove it.

What is dust made of?
Dust can be many composed of many things but mostly dust is composed of human/animal cells and hairs, textile fibers, paper fibers, soil, pollen and can be composed of other local environmental sources from the immediate area or even areas you have visited and brought home.

How does dust affect you?
As you move through each area of your home, office, or business you disturb the air and the dust particles that have settled. Those particles move up into the air you are breathing. This can be quite aggravating to your eyes, nose and lungs. Depending on the source of the dust and how much has accumulated, it could cause something as simple as eye irritation, sneezing, coughing or in some cases can be quite hazardous to your health, such as dust from drywall or particles of silica that can be found in dirt and clay. Dust not only affects the looks of your home, office or business but it also plays havoc on your appliances, electronics and their effectiveness. In electronics dust traps in heat, this reduces the lifespan of these products and that is not good for anyone, except maybe the repair man.

Dust Mites!
Dust is a food source for dust mites. They are tiny, 1/4 - 1/3 of a millimeter in size, they are arthropods; like a spider they have eight legs, and these tiny creatures thrive in a temperature of 68-77 degrees Fahrenheit (your home is the perfect environment). They feed on tiny particles in dust and they can cause many allergy problems. These problems rage from the waste they make as well as their bodies themselves. Unfortunately, we are their food source and each day we make at minimum about 1.3 grams of dead skin cells and that's enough to feed over a million of these tiny creatures!

How regular dusting and Seasonal cleaning can help reduce dust and mites
From the daily, weekly and bi-weekly cleaning processes of using a damp cloth, sponge or mop, to vacuuming with a HEPA filter and clearing your air filters, fans and vents out you can drastically reduce the collection of dust in your home. Dusting can be quite time consuming but is actually an important step you should not overlook. It not only reduces allergens, prolongs the life of your appliances and electronics but it makes things look good too! We do not always have the time to deep clean in our homes or the tools necessary to reach all of the places that dust hides.

So, what do you do when you don't have time for dusting? Well, it's easy, give Prescott Maid to Order a call! We can help make dusting in Prescott and surrounding areas quick and simple. You can reach us at (928)-899-8518. You can even visit our website at There you can see some of our services and more about what we offer.

More Information:
House Cleaning in Prescott
Prescott Residential Cleaning
Helpful Cleaning Articles