
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Springtime Dusting Tips for Prescott by Prescott Maid To Order

Prescott Maid to Order offers springtime dusting tips in Prescott
Here in the Prescott area, springtime can bring lots of wind and lots of new dust! Prescott Maid to Order is always looking for ways to help you keep a clean house in between our visits. Here are some dusting tips, to make your life easier and more dust-free.

Ceiling fans and light fixtures: You can buy a bendable, long-handle dusting arm for under $10 and it will keep you off those ladders, and it will keep your fans clean and ready to turn back on.

Corners, moldings and door frames: It is time for that spring cleaning, which means you will be dusting in areas that are not always hit during your routine cleaning. An easy way to get these areas, is by turning an athletic sock inside-out, lightly spray it and place on the end of a mop pole. This will make these tedious areas much easier on your knees and back.

Dusty bathroom vents:
This is very easy. You just use your vacuum to clean these grimy vents. They will be good as new, and it takes no time at all.

Just like corners, moldings and door frames, use a mop pole with a cloth or old sock attached to it, lightly sprayed.

Intricate Items: Do you ever find that a dusting cloth doesn’t always do a proper job when dusting delicate or intricate, ornamental items? Find a small paint brush and mist with your favorite dusting spray. This will help you get into those delicate, small spaces.

Dust top to bottom: Dust falls. Therefore, dust from top to bottom. If you dust in the opposite direction, you may find yourself repeating your work. Just remember high items get dusted first, then work your way down, perhaps, in a counter clockwise direction.

Throw away your cotton dust rags: Microfiber cloths should be your new go-to cloth for dusting. It makes all the difference in the world, as it is electrostatically charged--it attracts dust! Not only do these cloths attract dust, but they are also absorbent.

Duct cleaning:
If you have not cleaned your ducts, this may very well be the culprit of your dusty house. The duct cleaning should be done every 5 years.

Vacuum areas you cannot see or delicate areas: Vacuum with a pantyhose covered dust brush. This way, the vacuum will not suck up any valuables, while still creating a dust free area.

Spring cleaning in Prescott can be very time consuming, as you are cleaning those areas that are missed in the routine cleaning. We hope these springtime dusting tips help; however, if you need help getting your home dust free, call Prescott Maid to Order at 928-899-8518 or visit us at

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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

It is Time for Spring Window Cleaning in Prescott… Prescott Maid to Order can help!

Spring brings many good things. Spring cleaning is a time to get rid of the old and step into the new. Guess what? Windows need spring cleaning, too. Why? Because spring brings many culprits to clean windows such as birds, insects, but mostly grime from the winter time.  Waste no time in contacting Prescott Maid to Order to help you get those windows in Prescott sparkling clean.

Those flying critters are out in full force.
Just like we want to get outdoors when winter passes, also comes the new fluttering activity of birds and insects. Even though we love the sound of birds chirping and the buzz of spring, it is bad news for clean windows.

These active insects and birds mean more excrement and other residue on your windows. Just like our excellent cleaning services, our window cleaning goes above and beyond to make sure those windows are sparkling clean.

Winter remains on your windows.

Yes, winter remains on your windows. Snow and rain residue is still there. Even though we had a mild winter here in Prescott, AZ, make no mistake, our windows took a beating. Who wants to look out grimy windows of seasons past when spring is here, anyway?

Watching Spring through clean lenses.
Who wants to watch spring bloom through dirt and grime? Prescott has such beautiful landscapes and views to watch at springtime. Don’t let that dirt and grime keep you from enjoying your beautiful landscape.

Prescott Maid to Order is booking up fast with our environmentally-friendly, affordable window cleaning service. No preparation is needed, as we can clean around inside and outside barriers to those windows. Please waste no time in calling us to schedule your window cleaning in the Prescott area today at 928-899-8518, or visit us online to learn more about our services at

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

It’s Spring - Prescott Maid to Order Says It’s the Best Time to Clean Your Carpets

For all yhour cleaning needs, including carpets, contact Presxott Maid to Order.When is the best time of year to have your carpets professionally cleaned? That question is certainly up for debate. Just before the house guests arrive? During the summer when it’s warm and you can let in some fresh air? While it would be ideal to have your carpets cleaned every season, the reality is most people will choose yearly carpet cleaning in Prescott.  Prescott Maid to Order suggests Spring is the best season to clean your carpets, and offers a look at what your carpets endure through the year.

Spring: The nasty winter weather has ended and we’ve had our homes closed up for months. We’re ready for “spring cleaning” and removing salt, dirt, mud and whatever else has been tracked into the home. The longer dirt stays in your carpet, the more likely it is to wear out the carpet fibers. This is a great time to freshen up your home, and prevent unnecessary wear to your carpet.

Summer: The windows are open and fresh air is coming in, along with pollens, mold spores and other pollutants. Then the air conditioning unit moves those particles around. Much of those outdoor particles will become trapped in your carpeting. But since we’re spending more time outdoors or going on vacation, this might not be the time you’d choose to get carpets cleaned.

Fall: School is back in session and kids are back in their routines. Some of those routines include added foot traffic around your home. The holiday season is approaching and you’d like your home to look its best. Maybe you’re anticipating family and friends coming to visit. With all the preparations for holidays and house guests, you may not want to interrupt your busy schedule to have the carpets cleaned.

Winter: The days are shorter and we’re spending more time indoors. Our homes are closed to keep out the cold. We may prefer spending time snuggling up by the fireplace rather than taking on a carpet cleaning project.

Even if you can’t see the soil, dust and dirt on your carpet, what you don’t see can be wearing out your carpets. To keep it cleaner longer, it’s a good practice to remove your shoes before walking on your carpet no matter what the season.

Remember that Prescott Maid to Order can help keep your home cleaner and healthier. In addition to professional carpet cleaning in Prescott, our services range from complete house cleaning to trash removal and window cleaning. To get a free quote, please give Prescott Maid to Order a call to schedule an appointment at 928-899-8518. To learn more about our quality services, please visit our website at

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