Carpets – Has your carpets taken a beating over the holidays? Sometimes when we have family and guests in our home, the carpet may need cleaning to get out stains and smells. You may also find that the Christmas tree has left its mark on your carpet.
Floors - Has all your extra company left marks on your floors? Are there fingerprints on the floor from the new nephew’s 2-year-old hands? Or an area where someone spilled their drink or dropped food on the floor?
Upholstery - Did you find a new spot on your couch or armchair after the holidays. Maybe a slight spill from a cup of eggnog or spiced cider? Or maybe a dirty mark from shoes on the furniture? Or ashes from Uncle Fred's cigar?
Prescott Maid To Order does more than just basic housecleaning. We also offer a wide range of specialty cleaning services that can help you take care of the unexpected messes in your life. We offer carpet cleaning, window cleaning, as well as upholstery cleaning. We are professional cleaners who have the right tools to take care of your spots, stains and “accidents”, after the holidays or any time you need us.
To find out more about our cleaning services in Prescott or to schedule an appointment, please call us at 928-899-8515 or visit our website at
After Holiday Cleanup In Prescott
Prescott One Time Housecleaning
Helpful Housekeeping Tips
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