Clutter can cost you time and money. How many times have you gone to the store for one last item, only to find it on the back of the shelf after you got home. The average person spends 6 to 8 weeks of time each year searching for misplaced items! Imagine having that time back to do things you like!
There’s no single answer, since different personality types will handle the clutter differently. Know yourself and decide what works for you. Doing it by using other people’s methods may cause stress and take away the joy of getting organized and making it impossible to maintain.!
De-cluttering can actually put clutter into cash! Take advantage of the year-end tax deductions by cleaning out closets and donate them to a local non-profit. Or those old CDs, video games, books and DVDs that can be exchanged for Amazon gift cards through Amazon Trade-In Programs.
Here’s some organizing tips for clearing out that clutter:
Stockpile your supplies - make sure you have folders for all the papers piles on your desk before you start. And have plenty of trash bags available!
Work On One Area at a Time - The job may be too overwhelming when taken as a whole. Break it up into areas and make sure to congratulate yourselves as you finish each one!
Don’t forget the Fridge ~ the holidays may have overcrowded your refrigerator with lots of odd and end leftover like chip dips, leftover, partially used beverages. Many of these leftovers will probably sit there until they become next year’s science project. Make sure you don’t forget to declutter this area.
Be realistic - Look at your lifestyle and make sure your decluttering leaves your home livable. You're not going to be happy if you put everything away somewhere and then can't find anything!
Now that you’ve got the house decluttered, you either have a pile of junk to be hauled off, or you’re faced with the task of cleaning the house. Why not treat yourself to having both handled at once? Just call Prescott Maid To Order at 928-899-8518 to schedule an appointment. To see more about the services offered, please visit our website at
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